[-empyre-] list guidelines and dynamics-for the readers

Christina McPhee christina at christinamcphee.net
Tue Jul 14 02:12:22 EST 2009

dear -empyre-,

 From the start, the -soft-skinned-space of -empyre- , as Melinda  
Rackham and I developed it, has been a space for many voices. We  
totally encourage short writing bits from everyone- whether you are a  
guest or not.  The guests are here to  carry the
  conversation, AND we welcome al readers of empyre to engage.    
Styles of speech? Just be as clear and brief as you can be, avoiding  
jargon. And please be brief-- 300 words or less. Avoid reprinting  
entire passages from earlier posts, rather just pick out a sentence or  
two that you are responding to.

thanks everyone

Christina (moderator for July 2009)

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