[-empyre-] seeing yourself a prototype - the limits of open source

sdv at krokodile.co.uk sdv at krokodile.co.uk
Fri Mar 19 19:54:37 EST 2010


The logic of open-source seems to work in subsidized environment like 
academia where they are paid for teaching and perhaps a little research 
- but external to the academy how would an open-source artist survive ? 
I can see how the economics of it would work in West, with a false 
economics of scarcity and with rich patrons investing in art objects - 
which rather obviously are not open-source objects, but still without 
these how would the economics work ?

Is that it ? That the art academy supports artists, so that when the few 
produce art objects for patrons, they in turn then support the 
generation of ideas for the spectacle ?

Or is the model something else ?


As an open-source artist

On 18/03/2010 20:09, Cynthia Beth Rubin wrote:
> Wow - I love the concept that we are all changing and that each of us
> an ongoing prototype for the next generation of ourselves
> At the CAA session on Open Source (chaired by Patrick Lichty),
> Michael Mandiberg gave a presentation arguing for giving away Design
> ideas, for making practical design concepts  "Open Source," patent
> free ideas to be shared among the industrious.  In his talk he
> presented some Open Source Design ideas developed at Eyebeam.
> A member of the audience who identified herself as a graduate student
> in Fine Arts at the Chicago Art Institute asked the question about
> what it the equilivant of "Open Source Design" in the Fine Arts, and
> how could Fine Arts students establish a Fine Arts Open Source
> practice.   She left before I could respond with the thought that as
> Fine Arts faculty members in art schools and art departments we are
> always giving away our ideas, our sense of how art works, what it can
> do, or what it might be in a certain situation. The very act of
> engaging in a critique session is an "Open Source" exchange of ideas.
> When students leave the room after a crit, they have no obligation to
> cite their professors as the source of their ideas, they simply take
> them and go.
> Of course in an academic setting Ideas are not completely free,
> because students are paying tuition, and faculty members are being
> paid.  We have a contractual agreement to share ideas, to be (nearly)
> Open Source Fine Artists.
> If we are all prototypes, then as individuals outside of the academic
> world,  we can share our Ideas as artists, as thinkers, as critics
> without a contractual agreement.  But isn't that what we are doing
> already in spaces such as this one - in discussion lists, in artist
> meetings, even when we show work in progress to friends and colleagues?
> Now the question of second order prototyping as turning to others --
> not sure that I am ready for that!  It sort of reminds me of my
> teenage years going shopping for clothes with my mother, who somehow
> poured me into dresses and pulled on one corner or another to make
> them look like they fit, even when they remained uncomfortable.
> Cynthia
> Cynthia Beth Rubin
> http://CBRubin.net
> On Mar 18, 2010, at 11:50 AM, Julian Oliver wrote:
>> ..on Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 03:10:01PM -0000, Johannes Birringer wrote:
>>>>> Davin wrote:>>  At one point in time, discrete objects were
>>>>> things that were considered prototypes that could be thrown into
>>>>> an existing system and tested. Increasingly, it seems like the
>>>>> prototypes are geared to test individual and collective
>>>>> consciousness.  In other words, maybe we are the  prototypes?
>>>>> Being tested so that we can be effectively processed, shrink-
>>>>> wrapped, labeled, bought and sold>>
>> Hmm, This statement from Davin confused me also. I thought it was
>> fairly clear
>> that any act of learning - or any 'attempt', which all action is at
>> it's root -
>> simultaneously produces the self as a prototype, even if only for
>> the duration
>> of that act. The very notion of a prototype assumes a platonic and
>> eventuating
>> objecthood, a finished thing. When are people ever so singularly
>> resolved?
>> Second order prototyping is the work of other people, especially
>> aquaintances,
>> marketeers and those that resource people.
>> Beast,
>> -- 
>> Julian Oliver
>> home: New Zealand
>> based: Berlin, Germany
>> currently: Berlin, Germany
>> about: http://julianoliver.com
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