[-empyre-] AR and projectors...

Rodney Berry rodberry at gmail.com
Tue Apr 19 07:58:43 EST 2011

on another tangent, I think that the use of projectors has a place in this
discussion. I'm thinking about some of the grafitti projects and things like
Karolina Sobecka's car-mounted animations
http://www.gravitytrap.com/artwork/chase. Sobecka's projections are
interactive in realtime in the sense that they respond to the speed of the
car to change the gait of the tiger etc. I like the way the chasing
characters stop and catch their breath when the car comes to a halt.

It also makes me think about how our urban environment is made up of
surfaces onto which we crowd our symbolic lives.

Given that it is possible to modify projections in response to
camera-tracked markers in the environment or with a compass/gps etc., we'll
see more works that also fulfil the 'registered in three dimensions'
criteria for augmented reality.

which brings me to how people define AR.When talking about AR as a
technology, I use Azuma's definition  that comes from azuma in 1997. Azuma,
R. (1997). "A Survey of Augmented Reality." Presence: Teleoperators and
Virtual Environments 6 (4):

   1. Combine the virtual and the real
   2. are interactive in real time
   3. registered in 3D

but that has nothing to do with one's subjective experience of having one's
reality augmented. :)

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