[-empyre-] real vs. unreal

Mathias Fuchs mathias.fuchs at creativegames.org.uk
Sun May 1 02:15:56 EST 2011

Hi Tamiko and Alan,

thanks for your critical comments. I understand better now the problems 
that lie within what I suggested.
Tamiko's Easterly inspired example of the crucifix, that is first real 
and then not so real, points out the inherent contradictions of my approach.
On the other hand, an object can also be beautiful and then not so 
beautiful for another person.
I think the underlying question is:
Who owns the property of being real, virtual or augmented?
Is it the object or is it the viewer/ user or is it something else like 
a socio-historic context?

It could be that a property of "being real" or "being an augmentation of 
reality" is not an object property but a feature that is aroused in the 
viewer. (like a musical emotion as some would say. Not Peter Kivy though)

I try to answer your question regarding Bushwick AR then from my point 
of view: The people in the augmented reality piece of yours are real for 
you, because you have worked on the project, you are sure that they 
exist and you consciously created this piece. For a naive user of the 
piece who might think that these people are created in Photoshop from 
scratch, ghosts or digital fakes the people are not real.

Your "Newton Creek" Oil Spill piece puts you in the company of someone 
who broadcasts the moonlanding with a camera in his hands. For the 
astronaut the transmission showed a real event, for the vieweres in 
front of the tv, some thought that it was unreal. Did you see the 
Capricorn 1 movie from 1978?

Greetings from real Berlin :-)

Dr. Mathias Fuchs
   European Masters in Ludic Interfaces
   Programme Leader MA Creative Technology and MSc Creative Games
   Salford University, School of Art&  Design, Manchester M3 6EQ
   mobile: +44 7949 60 9893

residential address: Ratiborstrasse 18
   10999 Berlin, Germany
   phone: +49 3092109654
   mobile: +49 17677287011

On 29/04/2011 04:00, empyre-request at lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au wrote:
>     2. real vs. unreal

Dr. Mathias Fuchs
   European Masters in Ludic Interfaces
   Programme Leader MA Creative Technology and MSc Creative Games
   Salford University, School of Art&  Design, Manchester M3 6EQ
   mobile: +44 7949 60 9893

residential address: Ratiborstrasse 18
   10999 Berlin, Germany
   phone: +49 3092109654
   mobile: +49 17677287011

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