[-empyre-] On (severe) Pain Part 3 (dialog between Sandy Baldwin and Alan Sondheim)

Charles Baldwin Charles.Baldwin at mail.wvu.edu
Sun Oct 7 14:12:25 EST 2012

Here's the final part of the dialog (in fact, the notes below are largely by Alan). Again, these emerge from the kernel/core/chora of the discussion of mourning and grief.  

110812_004: Pain as separating inscription/history from the inertness of the body; what's read as history from the outside (and thereby entering the social), from the inside is unread/unreadable. The inside is pure substance.

110812_005: Inscription carries, until burial, carries a specific relationship to the body until burial. Burial is a form of reinscription. A line on the body - how is this interpreted during life? during death?

110812_012: Inscription => embodiment and maintenance; maintenance => retardation: what makes for example virtual particles last as long as they do? Retardation - slowing things down, copying, duplicating, a poetics of dispersion, holding-back. See the phenomenology of numbers: data-base, interpretation, intentionality, an immersive situation, memory. In doing mathematics, always dealing with temporal processes. In pain: everything drops away, definable and immersive situations cease to exist.

110812_014: Splintering, splintered nails, leveraging of particles, striations, applicable to notions of binding, constriction, discomfort.

110816_002: Pain of the signifiera: signifier as incision, disturbance, splits between the Pale and beyond the Pale. Pain beyond the Pale? The pain of death: horizon foreclosing its origin and the subject as well.

110816_003: The work I do as obdurate, not grid or mapping, but flows that are not channelized, flows that are mute - relation to pain. The phenomenology of the embodiment of the signifier is also mute. What I do is planless, expands into available technology on a practical level, produces and reproduces that way.

110816_006: My Textbook of Thinking: components of inscription: linkage, syntactical structure, inscription is an ordering of difference, impulse, representation-structure, legitimation structure, maintenance, stabilization mechanisms, positive/negative feedback, field of abjection. Excessive related to corrosion. Difference between fissure and inscription. Relationship of corrosion and scarcity to pain.

110816_007: Phenomenology of eccentric space, Sarduy, de-centering the subject, tied to abjection.

110816_008: Difference between fissure and inscription; pain tends towards fissure; if fissure is same and same, there's no geography, no topography, no topology; the result is the crack / wound, everywhere and nowhere.

110818_001: Pain relates to the body as cosmology to the universe. (?)

110819_001: Pain in relation to virtual worlds: in circumlocution of the subject who may remain impervious, the degree zero of phenomenology.

110821_001: What happens when users exchange their avatars? Our histories, inventories, are no longer our own.

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