[-empyre-] Week 1: The Creation of Labor through Action Welcome Timothy Taylor

Renate Terese Ferro rferro at cornell.edu
Tue Jun 3 23:22:02 EST 2014

 "New Sonic Paths: sound studies expanded:
The Creation of Labor through Action"
Welcome to Week 1 with  Timothy Taylor

Marx's labor theory of value has been challenged or augmented recently, with some arguing that labor is too diffuse to be captured by it, or that uncompensated user-generated labor necessitates a new way of thinking of how value is created. I have not been convinced by these approaches, at least with respect to questions of value of cultural commodities. More useful have been theories by anthropologists such as David Graeber and Fred Myers in conceptualizing regimes of value, the creation of value through action.

Timothy D. Taylor (US) is a Professor in the Department of Ethnomusicology at the University of California, Los Angeles. He is the author of Global Pop: World Music, World Markets (Routledge, 1997), Strange Sounds: Music, Technology and Culture (Routledge, 2001), Beyond Exoticism: Western Music and the World (Duke, 2007), and The Sounds of Capitalism: Advertising, Music, and the Conquest of Culture (Chicago, 2012), and co-editor, with Mark Katz and Tony Grajeda, of Music, Sound, and Technology in America: A Documentary History of Early Phonograph, Cinema, and Radio (Duke, 2012). He is currently completing a book about music in today's capitalism to be published by the University of Chicago Press.

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