June 2014 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Jun 2 11:10:11 EST 2014
Ending: Mon Jun 30 23:25:02 EST 2014
Messages: 165
- [-empyre-] curating sound art
James Barrett
- [-empyre-] Virtual Embodiment
Simon Biggs
- [-empyre-] Virtual Embodiment: week 1
Simon Biggs
- [-empyre-] vibration and movement
Johannes Birringer
- [-empyre-] vibration and movement
Johannes Birringer
- [-empyre-] vibration and movememt (cosmic scale)
Johannes Birringer
- [-empyre-] Hearing and Listening / reading space
Johannes Birringer
- [-empyre-] Hearing and Listening / reading-listening space
Johannes Birringer
- [-empyre-] Hearing and Listening / unreasaonable effectiveness of ritual
Johannes Birringer
- [-empyre-] Hearing and Listening / unreasaonable effectiveness of ritual
Johannes Birringer
- [-empyre-] Welcome to Week 2: Sonic Paths
Marcus Boon
- [-empyre-] Welcome to Week 2: Sonic Paths
Marcus Boon
- [-empyre-] vibration and movement
Marcus Boon
- [-empyre-] No. 2 Day 2 Week 2: Sonic Paths
Marcus Boon
- [-empyre-] No. 3, Day 2, Week 2
Marcus Boon
- [-empyre-] No. 1, Day 3, Week 2
Marcus Boon
- [-empyre-] No. 1, Day 4, Week 2
Marcus Boon
- [-empyre-] vibration and movememt (cosmic scale)
Marcus Boon
- [-empyre-] No. 1, Day 4, Week 2
Marcus Boon
- [-empyre-] No. 1, Day 5, Week 2
Marcus Boon
- [-empyre-] start of week 3
David Cecchetto
- [-empyre-] Friday, 20th: The Sonic "Work, " New Media, and Theory
David Cecchetto
- [-empyre-] curating sound art
Marc Couroux
- [-empyre-] start of week 3
Christoph Cox
- [-empyre-] curating sound art
Christoph Cox
- [-empyre-] Wednesday, 18th: Sound Art, Technology and Innovation
Christoph Cox
- [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Sound Art, Technology and Innovation
Christoph Cox
- [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Hearing and Listening
Christoph Cox
- [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Hearing and Listening
Christoph Cox
- [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Hearing and Listening
Christoph Cox
- [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Hearing and Listening
Christoph Cox
- [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Hearing and Listening
Christoph Cox
- [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Hearing and Listening
Christoph Cox
- [-empyre-] Saturday, 21st: The Disciplinarity of Sound Art
Christoph Cox
- [-empyre-] Saturday, 21st: The Disciplinarity of Sound Art
Christoph Cox
- [-empyre-] response to Anna Friz
Ryan Alexander Diduck
- [-empyre-] Wednesday, 18th: Sound Art, Technology and Innovation
Paul Dolden
- [-empyre-] Hearing and Listening / reading-listening space
Paul Dolden
- [-empyre-] Hearing and Listening / unreasaonable effectiveness of ritual
Paul Dolden
- [-empyre-] start of week 3
Jim Drobnick
- [-empyre-] Post from Kevin deForest for start of week 3
Jim Drobnick
- [-empyre-] curating sound art
Jim Drobnick
- [-empyre-] Tuesday, 17th: Sound Art and Its Cultural Context
Jim Drobnick
- [-empyre-] Wednesday, 18th: Sound Art, Technology and Innovation
Jim Drobnick
- [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Hearing and Listening
Jim Drobnick
- [-empyre-] Friday, 20th: The Sonic "Work," New Media, and Theory
Jim Drobnick
- [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Hearing and Listening
Jim Drobnick
- [-empyre-] Saturday, 21st: The Disciplinarity of Sound Art
Jim Drobnick
- [-empyre-] Sunday, 22nd: Sound Art: Curating, Technology, Theory
Jim Drobnick
- [-empyre-] Sound Art: Curating, Technology, Theory
Jim Drobnick
- [-empyre-] start of week 3
Dave Dyment
- [-empyre-] Welcome to Week 2: Sonic Paths
Nina Eidsheim
- [-empyre-] No. 1, Day 3, Week 2
Nina Eidsheim
- [-empyre-] vibration and movememt (cosmic scale)
Nina Eidsheim
- [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Hearing and Listening
Priest Eldritch
- [-empyre-] Creation of value through action
Renate Ferro
- [-empyre-] Processing value
Renate Ferro
- [-empyre-] Welcome to Week 2: Sonic Paths
Renate Ferro
- [-empyre-] vibration and movememt (cosmic scale)
Renate Ferro
- [-empyre-] Closing down Week 3, Thanks Jim Drobnick
Renate Ferro
- [-empyre-] Week 4 Sonic Paths: Feminism Confronts Audio Technology
Renate Ferro
- [-empyre-] Closing down June from Paris
Renate Ferro
- [-empyre-] closing down our discussion for May
Renate Terese Ferro
- [-empyre-] June on -empyre: New Sonic Paths: Sound Studies Expanded
Renate Terese Ferro
- [-empyre-] Week 1: The Creation of Labor through Action Welcome Timothy Taylor
Renate Terese Ferro
- [-empyre-] Closing Week 2:Thanks to Marcus Boon
Renate Terese Ferro
- [-empyre-] New Sonic Paths, Welcome to Week Three: Jim Drobnick
Renate Terese Ferro
- [-empyre-] on presenting sound
Renate Terese Ferro
- [-empyre-] sent on behalf of John Oswald
Renate Terese Ferro
- [-empyre-] to empire subscribers: messages sent in an attachment
Renate Terese Ferro
- [-empyre-] start of week 3
Anna Friz
- [-empyre-] response to Anna Friz
Anna Friz
- [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Hearing and Listening
Anna Friz
- [-empyre-] Day 1 #2: Feminism Confronts Audio Tech - Gendered rhetoric
Lyn Goeringer
- [-empyre-] Day 1 #2: Feminism Confronts Audio Tech - Gendered rhetoric
Lyn Goeringer
- [-empyre-] Feminism Confronts Audio Technology
Lyn Goeringer
- [-empyre-] No. 1, Day 3, Week 2
John Hopkins
- [-empyre-] No. 1, Day 4, Week 2
John Hopkins
- [-empyre-] to empire subscribers: messages sent in an attachment
John Hopkins
- [-empyre-] Friday, 20th: The Sonic "Work, " New Media, and Theory
John Hopkins
- [-empyre-] Saturday, 21st: The Disciplinarity of Sound Art
John Hopkins
- [-empyre-] Welcome to Week 2: Sonic Paths
Douglas Kahn
- [-empyre-] Day 2 Week 2: Sonic Paths
Douglas Kahn
- [-empyre-] No. 2 Day 2 Week 2: Sonic Paths
Douglas Kahn
- [-empyre-] No. 2 Day 2 Week 2: Sonic Paths
Douglas Kahn
- [-empyre-] No. 3, Day 2, Week 2
Douglas Kahn
- [-empyre-] No. 1, Day 3, Week 2
Douglas Kahn
- [-empyre-] vibration and movement
Douglas Kahn
- [-empyre-] No. 1, Day 4, Week 2
Douglas Kahn
- [-empyre-] No. 1, Day 3, Week 2
Douglas Kahn
- [-empyre-] No. 1, Day 5, Week 2
Douglas Kahn
- [-empyre-] vibration and movememt (cosmic scale)
Douglas Kahn
- [-empyre-] vibration and movememt (cosmic scale)
Douglas Kahn
- [-empyre-] No. 1, Day 5, Week 2
Douglas Kahn
- [-empyre-] Hearing and Listening / unreasaonable effectiveness of ritual
Douglas Kahn
- [-empyre-] start of week 3
Lewis Kaye
- [-empyre-] Post from Kevin deForest for start of week 3
Lewis Kaye
- [-empyre-] curating sound art
Lewis Kaye
- [-empyre-] Wednesday, 18th: Sound Art, Technology and Innovation
Lewis Kaye
- [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Hearing and Listening
Seth Kim-Cohen
- [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Sound Art, Technology and Innovation
Seth Kim-Cohen
- [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Hearing and Listening
Seth Kim-Cohen
- [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Hearing and Listening
Seth Kim-Cohen
- [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Hearing and Listening
Seth Kim-Cohen
- [-empyre-] Friday, 20th: The Sonic "Work, " New Media, and Theory
Seth Kim-Cohen
- [-empyre-] Friday, 20th: The Sonic "Work, " New Media, and Theory
Seth Kim-Cohen
- [-empyre-] Value
Deena Larsen
- [-empyre-] start of week 3
Cedric Maridet
- [-empyre-] start of week 3
Andra McCartney
- [-empyre-] start of week 3
Andra McCartney
- [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Hearing and Listening
Andra McCartney
- [-empyre-] Day 1 #2: Feminism Confronts Audio Tech - Gendered rhetoric
Andra McCartney
- [-empyre-] New Sonic Paths and the legacies of NetNoise.:
Timothy Conway Murray
- [-empyre-] start of week 3
Timothy Conway Murray
- [-empyre-] Feminism Confronts Audio Technology
Caroline Park
- [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Hearing and Listening
D Ryan
- [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Sound Art, Technology and Innovation
- [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Hearing and Listening
- [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Hearing and Listening
- [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Hearing and Listening
- [-empyre-] Value
Jörgen Skågeby
- [-empyre-] Week 4: Feminism Confronts Audio Technology - Day 1
Asha Tamirisa
- [-empyre-] Day 1 #2: Feminism Confronts Audio Tech - Gendered rhetoric
Asha Tamirisa
- [-empyre-] Week 4: Feminism Confronts Audio Technology - Day 1
Asha Tamirisa
- [-empyre-] Day 1 #2: Feminism Confronts Audio Tech - Gendered rhetoric
Asha Tamirisa
- [-empyre-] Week 4: Feminism Confronts Audio Technology - Day 1
Asha Tamirisa
- [-empyre-] Day 1 #2: Feminism Confronts Audio Tech - Gendered rhetoric
Asha Tamirisa
- [-empyre-] Day 1 #2: Feminism Confronts Audio Tech - Gendered rhetoric
Asha Tamirisa
- [-empyre-] Week 4: A Feminist (Humanist) Reconstruction of the Canon- Day 2
Asha Tamirisa
- [-empyre-] Closing down June from Paris
Asha Tamirisa
- [-empyre-] Creation of value through action
Timothy Taylor
- [-empyre-] Creation of value through action
Timothy Taylor
- [-empyre-] Value
Timothy Taylor
- [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Hearing and Listening
- [-empyre-] Week 4: Feminism Confronts Audio Technology - Day 1
Rachel Devorah Trapp
- [-empyre-] Week 4: Feminism Confronts Audio Technology - Day 1
Rachel Devorah Trapp
- [-empyre-] start of week 3
Salomé Voegelin
- [-empyre-] start of week 3
Salomé Voegelin
- [-empyre-] curating sound art
Salomé Voegelin
- [-empyre-] Wednesday, 18th: Sound Art, Technology and Innovation
Salomé Voegelin
- [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Hearing and Listening
Salomé Voegelin
- [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Hearing and Listening
Salomé Voegelin
- [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Hearing and Listening
Salomé Voegelin
- [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Hearing and Listening
Salomé Voegelin
- [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Hearing and Listening
Salomé Voegelin
- [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Hearing and Listening
Salomé Voegelin
- [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Hearing and Listening
Salomé Voegelin
- [-empyre-] Post from Kevin deForest for start of week 3
Kevin deForest
- [-empyre-] Hello, can this be added to the: Post from Kevin deForest for start of week 3
Kevin deForest
- [-empyre-] Tuesday, 17th: Sound Art and Its Cultural Context
Kevin deForest
- [-empyre-] Wednesday, 18th: Sound Art, Technology and Innovation
Kevin deForest
- [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Hearing and Listening
Kevin deForest
- [-empyre-] Thursday, 19th: Hearing and Listening
Kevin deForest
- [-empyre-] Saturday, 21st: The Disciplinarity of Sound Art
Kevin deForest
- [-empyre-] Saturday, 21st: The Disciplinarity of Sound Art
Kevin deForest
- [-empyre-] Saturday, 21st: The Disciplinarity of Sound Art
Kevin deForest
- [-empyre-] Day 1 #2: Feminism Confronts Audio Tech - Gendered rhetoric
monisola gbadebo
- [-empyre-] Day 1 #2: Feminism Confronts Audio Tech - Gendered rhetoric
monisola gbadebo
- [-empyre-] Day 1 #2: Feminism Confronts Audio Tech - Gendered rhetoric
monisola gbadebo
- [-empyre-] Week 4: A Feminist (Humanist) Reconstruction of the Canon- Day 2
monisola gbadebo
- [-empyre-] empyre Digest, Vol 115, Issue 18
roger malina
- [-empyre-] empyre Digest, Vol 115, Issue 26
roger malina
- [-empyre-] start of week 3
john oswald
- [-empyre-] Post from Kevin deForest for start of week 3
denise robinson
- [-empyre-] response to Anna Friz
emarketou at yahoo.com
Last message date:
Mon Jun 30 23:25:02 EST 2014
Archived on: Tue Jul 1 12:11:11 EST 2014
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).