[-empyre-] Hearing and Listening / reading space

Johannes Birringer Johannes.Birringer at brunel.ac.uk
Sat Jun 21 01:51:01 EST 2014

dear moderator

a new topic every day this week? 
 sustained discussion of ideas that may have come up last weekend or Monday or on a given day?


Wednesday, June 18, 2014 2:23 PM
To: soft_skinned_space [empyre at lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au]
Hi Folks, 
Yesterday's questions about sound in its cultural context didn't seem to gain much traction with the group -- or were there comments that didn't get through? If the former was the case, then we'll move on to the next topic, which is Sound Art, Technology and Innovation. Ryan Diduck, Paul Dolden, Anna Friz and Lewis Kaye have offered questions that address the influence of technology on sound art production, along with the pressures of artists themselves to develop new technologies. 

yes, I am still pondering the post that Kevin deForest sent on "othering" and collecting, and would have loved to hear more discussion. 

This week seems to have been curated as a roundtable or major symposium, and while surely it will have been fascinating to read, it may not be
possible for subscribers to keep up reading (never mind responding or engaging in the conversation) so quickly  - this empyre forum works in 
a-synchronous manner, so those of us not invited as guests may not get posts published until the next day, we all need time to read and reflect,
and this week there's been such  a flooding of incoming posts –-  it would be nice to have breathing room, room to collect......

Johannes Birringer

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