[-empyre-] Camera Obscura

Jon Ippolito jippolito at maine.edu
Fri Aug 5 08:42:09 AEST 2016

Hi William,

A footnote on a possible intersection between the phenomenology of the camera obscura and John Cage: Eigengrau is the "almost black" color your brain sees in complete darkness--a visual analog to the quasi-silence Cage heard in an anechoic chamber.



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> On Jul 29, 2016, William Bain wrote:
> Maybe one reasonthe camera obscura facinates is its reproductionof great detail, though obviously with ceretaindistortions? I'm not trained in photo camerabut drawing glassware in art classes got meinterested in doing some simple photosof/into/through windows on buses and trains.This is an attempt to add at least two backupelements to the artwork, the aleatory, a la JohnCage, and indeterminacy

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