[-empyre-] FW: December OPEN TOPIC: Send us your recent exhibition, project, book, or research news

Renate Ferro rferro at cornell.edu
Tue Dec 3 12:22:43 AEDT 2019

    2019- The end-of-the year on -¬empyre-
    Dear Subscribers, 
    It is unfathomable to me that today we begin our last discussion of 2019.  We celebrate our seventeen-year history and its subscribership of 2252 members strong who come from many professions including artists, writers, theoreticians, technologists, academics, and more.  
    While we ordinarily conduct formal discussion we are introducing an OPEN month on -empyre- this month. You are invited to share your current research, projects, and exhibitions. Share a bit about where you teach or work.  Additionally, post your current short biography. We not only invite those of you whose voices we have heard most recently but also those of you who are new members, who have never posted, who are more comfortable lurking.  
    We invite each of our subscribers to post directly on our site
    empyre at lists.artdesign.unsw.edu.au
    Should you have an image you want to post we do have a Facebook Page
    And a TWITTER feed as well
    More soon. 
    Renate Ferro
    Visiting Associate Professor
    Director of Undergraduate Studies
    Department of Art
    Tjaden Hall 306
    rferro at cornell.edu

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