[-empyre-] FW: Thanks to Margaretha, information on archives, and subscriptions

Renate Ferro rferro at cornell.edu
Tue Dec 3 12:21:34 AEDT 2019

Dear Margaretha and guests,
Many thanks for bringing us such an engaging month on -empyre-.  It was not only wonderful to hear from so many new subscribers but also to highlight the topic which to my mind just has not been hosted on -empyre-.  From “ruderal witchcraft” to cyborgs, goddesses, Haraway and Starhawk, re-enchantment, curses, healing, ritual, mother universe, modernity’s spell and finally paranormal, each week’s prompts and responses have provided such a wealth of enchantments in themselves.  This month is one that I know I will access many times in the months to come and our subscribers are sure to as well.

For a compilation of the month or our archive since 2002 visit this link:

For those of you asking how to manage your subscription you can visit our subscription page

Just scroll down to the center of the page to MODIFY.

Stay warm and safe travels for those of you barraged by the winter storms in the US.  For those of you in milder climates please send us warmth.

Renate Ferro
Visiting Associate Professor
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Department of Art
Tjaden Hall 306
rferro at cornell.edu<mailto:rferro at cornell.edu>

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