[-empyre-] Stay Unfinished xxx Yours Sincerely

Shu Lea Cheang shulea at earthlink.net
Sun Sep 1 13:11:11 AEST 2019

dear -empyre-

many thanks for renate and tim to host STWST48x5 EXPANDED for the month 
of September.

In conjunction with STAY UNFINISHED, the 5th edition of Stadtwerkstatt‘s 
48 hour showcase extravanganza held in association with Ars Electronica 
in Linz, Austria, the three curators for STWST48x5 - Tanja Brandmayr, 
Shu Lea Cheang, Franz Xaver, proposes a one month (September 2019) long 
discussion on -empyre- listserve.

For the 48 hour programmation in Linz (18:00 september 6 to 18:00 
September 8, 2019), STWST48x5 brings together critical producers, 
artists, activists, networkers, archivists, , visionists +++ to 
negotiate permanently unfinished conditions in cross-disciplinary, 
inter-cultural, mixed genre art (or not so art) practices. Situated 
itself in New Art Contexts, Stadtwerkstatt, an art, club and autonomous 
structure in Linz, Austria since 1979, has been fed with ingredients 
grown through an ideal-typical milieu of heterogeneity of art, media, 
technology, culture and the social. We believe that there are likewise 
cultural/art/experimental spaces and individuals across borders and 
oceans, who are either long time existing or starting fresh, who share 
the same pursuits as STWST collective strive for.

For STWST48x5 EXPANDED on –empyre-,We want to collectively nurture 
processing thoughts and projects. We ask for your active participation 
in this multi-thread living forum where we recount the related/non 
related subjects, reviews /previews of projects in process,the 
strategies and tactics to stay unfinished, stay alive and kicking. 
Tears, laughters, anger, pleasure, satisfaction, frustration expressed 
in public (as texts) are encouraged as we remain unfinished and totally 

The month long presence on - empyre – online platform are planned as 

WEEK 1 september 1-8

Geert Lovink UNFINISHED (opening remark)

*TICKTACK* I hear the water running

Tracking Hong Kong’s resistance movement - tactical approach, 
technology, infrastructure with Chloë Cheuk, Daniel C. Howe, San 
Jimiderovski, Keith Lam, Ellen Pau and Winnie Soon

WEEK 2 september 9-15

Situated Body, Situated practices

a trans-transitional dialogue between Allucquere Rosanne Stone and 
McKenzie Wark

Week 3september 16-22

Amazon is burning

On forest, interspecies, interstellar, plantationocene, cows, soybeans 
and global food/trade politics

with Margaretha Haughwout, Amanda McDonald Crowley

++++++++ (TBD)

Week 4 sepetmber 23-30

New Art Context

Submit your proposals

We want to hear from the list’s members and extend the invitations to 
not-yet-subscribers to share their in-progress-still-working-on 
proposals somewhere in the desktop, in folders, in harddrives, in cloud.



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