[-empyre-] Geert Lovink UNFINISHED

Shu Lea Cheang shulea at earthlink.net
Sun Sep 1 13:17:05 AEST 2019

I am introducing my old friend Geert Lovink who I consider my tactical 
media guru, who I bow to while taking a pint together, to take us into 
the month of September on –empire- , STAY UNFINISHED, YOURS SINCERELY.

Geert Lovink, the founding director of the Institute of Network Cultures 
(Amsterdam, NL), proposed Nettime internet mailing list, together with 
Pit Schultz, back in 1995 at the second meeting of the "Medien Zentral 
Kommittee" during the Venice Biennale.

“The time of nettime is a social time, it is subjective and intensive, 
with condensation and extractions, segmented by social events like 
conferences and little meetings, and text gatherings for export into the 
paper world. Most people still like to read a text printed on wooden 
paper, more than transmitted via waves of light. Nettime is not the same 
time like geotime, or the time clocks go. Everyone who programs or often 
sits in front of a screen knows about the phenomena of being out of 
time, time on the net consists of different speeds, computers, humans, 
software, bandwidth, the only way to see a continuity of time on the net 
is to see it as a asynchronous network of synchronized time zones.^”

<nettime> Panic Content -

The ZKP 3 Introduction Draft (october 

Let me just bring up a few of his book titles for the last two decades 
and hand him the microphone.

Sad by Design, On Platform Nihilism [Pluto Press, 2019]

  Networks Without a Cause: A Critique of Social Media [Polity Press, 2012]

  Zero Comments: Blogging and Critical Internet Culture [Routledge, 2007]

  My First Recession: Critical Internet Culture in Translation [Nai010
  Publishers, 2004]

  Dark Fiber: Tracking Critical Internet Culture [Mit Press. 2002]

           very good sunday as we woke up to bloodshed in the streets of 
Hong Kong.


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