[-empyre-] to brazil with love

fabi borges catadores at gmail.com
Sat May 24 10:08:30 EST 2008

hi brian, here we make a esquizoidea about your answer:
i think it is like it:
fabi borges e hilan bensusan

a few questions i´d like to ask hilan and fabiane

what does it mean to work in an errorist manner?

can you send examples from the handbook of esquizotrans pornography?

what is the 'esquizerda' (the esquizoleft) ?

what does the organization of trans or esquizoleft community look like in

One of the pervasive ideas of the esquizerda is that of proliferation.

We want to be on the side of overbeing, of the excesses, of what escapes
borders and containers.

One can find here a commitment to an ontology of potencies, an ontology of
items hosting possibilia.

We model our political outfit on provocation, on seduction, on friction; we
are interested in queer, in movements of displacements, in all sorts of

The world is full of materials, speeds, intensities and forces to be
recombined, displaced and made queer.

In fact, we assume that there should be no room in politics for hating the
world and we take esquizerda to be scarcely about bottlenecks, fences or
passwords – it is rather about a confederation of what goes overboard. Not
about inclusion but about the unfitting – finding ways, whenever possible,
to make it fit even less.

We are to the left of any established power –  including that of the
individual consumer, the money-holder and the property-owner. We take
property to be a bottleneck – we hold that to proliferate is to flow.

We also take a stance against the image of people as subjective monarchies
where a crowned king reigns over the land (the body, the desires, the
potencies, the superfluous items that could be the building brick for new

Our bodies are more like platforms for different magic happenings and
character that flow through us – we are made of the stuff Santeria houses
are made of. We tend to engage in favor of seeing a body not as a property
of someone, but rather as an assemblage of singular potencies.

The attempt to bring experience to the reach of the body has been our daily
challenge; as much as to broaden the perception of bodily signs that find no
place in the matrix of intelligibility.

We celebrate the strange human movements that are not organized in rallies
or demonstrations, nor in unions but that insist in performing some gestures
that fail our gaze forged in a logic that never had room to everyone and
perhaps will never have as much space as there are singularities.

We don't do much of some traditional values of the pre-esquizo left – such
as equality among all people: people are holders of diversity and in order
to flow need different opportunities.

The slogans will be something such as: let it flourish, let the inspiration
take place, let what is coming up conspire. A favorite 68 graffiti: "être
réactionnaire c'est justifier et accepter la réforme sans y faire fleurir la

To mention some crucial issues very briefly: we want to find ways for our
lives to flow and proliferate more than capital – even though we sometimes
are under the impression that we are to eventually go hand in hand with it.
Try not to go against it but rather in different speeds – slower or faster
than the way it flows. Or try to use its energy to promote other fluxes.

The esquizerda naturally considers error as part of the endeavour to
proliferate. Against the judging of action in terms of its ends, it promotes
error and celebrates the errorist international. Life and error are
intertwined sisters in arms.

To work in an errorist manner is to allow action to go together with
thought, to enhance it, so to speak. Instead of planning everything, let the
action take its course: subversive performance is about the courage to
challenge, even the courage to challenge the idea that a (specific) end is
to be attained.

Errorism for us is also seizing the moment: not much rehearsal – let jam
sessions do the jamming.

We have been promoting events that mix together issues such as: queer, free
software, noise, electronic music, river-bed washing songs, media activism,
urban activism, prostitution. We try to create environments that could
intensify some singular variations… and we can call this schizo-analysis…
bring these discussion to the realm of unfitting experimentation through all
kinds of human and nonhuman machinery in order to amplify, intensify,
propagate and promote some immersion in a noisy environment. We take noise
to be crucial – an element of our reflections on democracy.

Our next events are going to make noise still more central. Our past actions
involved events with homeless people in São Paulo, within the struggle for
abolition of mental health institutions in Brasilia, related to indigenous
prostitution in Manaus (the Amazon), in  *Eroticomia* in Rio,
promoting *Balleckett
*dance in Feminist gatherings, being part of submidialogia and ETCETERA/BR
in Bahia. In all these cases, we experimented with the ideas of immersion,
collective production and micro-schizo politics.

We are trying to do some of what we mentioned in the handbook of
esquizotrans pornography. It is mostly about intersex and transsex eroticism
– queer and cybergendered. It is being written in Portuguese, and we enclose
below a fragment based on a case that Butler describes and considers in her
*Undoing Gender*.

Finally, about the movement in Brazil. We are starting something (hopefully)
that has some echoes in the queer movement and within some feminist circles.
We currently have a column in the Monde Diplomatique – Brazil. We fancy
ourselves a renewal of the new left, our emphasis is often on subversion: we
take subversion as capable of being as pervasive as capital. Let it spread.

Fragment of the handbook of ST porn:

*Nem gostava de brincar de bonecas – mas apalpava elas, as esfregava na
genitália, queria comer elas todas, enfiar alguma coisa gigante em algum
buraco escondido delas e faze-las dar gemidinhos. Nem gostava de brincar de
metralhadoras, apenas apalpava cada uma delas entre as pernas querendo que
aquela força metálica, aquela solidez firme, aquela capacidade de ser mau
elemento estivesse enfiada na sua boca ou em algum buraco escondido entre
suas pernas – algum buraco que nunca soube para que serve. Com oito meses
aconteceu-lhe uma fimose pelo caralho e algum profissional de branco o
descaralhou em oitenta porcento. Mãe e pai, vendo a abjeção solta entre as
pernas de David, sairam catando profissionais de branco. Primeiro veio um
homenzarrão aberrante com os cabelos delgados e ofereceu, como quem oferece
chocolates a uma criança, uma vagina completa; e ofereceu com sua parca
psicologia dos pré-adolescentes – algum manual mal lido nos tempos de escola
deve ter sido tudo o que o John Money deixou penetrado pela sua cabeça
acerca os rostos com espinhas – ele ofereceu uma vagina completa:*

*- Você vai poder ser mãe com esta vaginona, vai poder ser uma mulher de
verdade, sem receios, ter uma família e um homem pra chamar de seu...*

*- Eu prefiro não.*

*Money chamou mesmo o irmão gêmeo de Brenda ou de David e pediu que ele
ficasse em uma posição de quem estava comendo uma buceta imaginada entre as
pernas do irmãozinho. A irmãzinha, e seu parceiro que deveria enfiar a tal
trosoba, ficaram tremendo, assustados, tremendo, sem respiração. Money
chamou uma legião de beduínos sexuais para mostrar a importância de ser
mulher com toda sanha, toda biologia. David, embaixo de Brenda, pensava: é
só o que eu tenho entre as pernas que é digno de amor? Sou um perdedor.*

*- Eu prefiro não.*

*Brenda disse que não punha xoxota – mas assim, no meio entre o que entra e
no que entra não dá pra ficar; os pais trataram de encontrar um jeito de
eliminar aquela genitália sem órgãos. Levaram Brenda a um outro hospital,
outro avental, outra teoria geral acerca da cabeça, do púbis, da casinha e
do carrinho: Milton Diamond disse que punha pau em Brenda e ela poderia
brincar com suas escopetas de plástico sem destoar. Meto pinto na menina,
Diamond disse, e ela fica como veio ao mundo antes de ser fudida pelo
primeiro médico. Um pau pra Brenda, ele anunciou, e David, com os olhos

*- Eu prefiro não.*

*É o que é natural para David, veio loquaz um doutor, Colapinto: com o pinto
nela, ela volta as suas origens, a como a Mãezona Natureza, colossuda, cheia
de planos, a fez. Colapinto dizia que foi cruel, cruel tentar meter uma
cabeça de menininha na Brenda só porque ela não tinha mais o membro – membro
se contrói, ele fazia, cabeça ninguém contrói. Uma vez que David nasceu
David, não adianta tentar vesti-lo com cuequinhas rosas, uma menininha não
se constrói. Puseram um falo na Brenda:*

*- Eu prefiro não.*

*Nos errantes da vida, estas calamidades se aceleram com uma trouxa branca
para a morte com um negrinho escondido embaixo dela. Chegou quem você
esperava – agora é só se recompor. Ajeita o cuecão, enfia a calcinha no
rego; faz de conta que você não é abjeto, é naturalmente homem, mulher ou
calango. Não fique plácida, ajude a revisar todas as notas comparadas do
DSM-5 como se fossemos feitos de órgãos em bom funcionamento.*

*- Não. *

2008/5/22 brian whitener <iwaslike at hotmail.com>:

> hi all,
> sorry for the absence. internet access has been a bit difficult this last
> days.
> these are a few questions for hilan and fabiane:
> what does it mean to work in an errorist manner?
> can you send examples from the handbook of esquizotrans pornography?
> what is the 'esquizerda' (the esquizoleft) ?
> what does the organization of trans or esquizoleft community look like in
> brasil?
> Fabiane Borges (BR) is a writer and media and communication activist
> who works with genders, transgenders, and technology. She has a
> background in squat art and social movements, such as those involving
> whores, women, low-tech media, indigenous groups, and the
> anti-psychiatry movement [luta antimanicomial]. She enjoys
> esquizoanalysis and usually uses the name Cassandras.
> http://cassandras.multiply.com.
> Hilan Bensusan (BR) inspects singularities (like poetry writers,
> people coming out of the prisons), lectures philosophy in the
> University of
> Brasilia and writes manifestoes. http://www.unb.br/ih/fil/hilanb
> Esquizotrans – a gang of our shifting slices
> Esquizotrans is an assembly of desires focused on transgressing and
> diluting borders. We experiment with writing, filming, performing in
> order to blur both gender and genre borders. We do it in an errorist
> manner (as hangovers of the Errorist International).
> In 2007 we were booed in a sexual diversity film festival in Brazil
> after screening our Mulher-Bicha (Female Fag). Since 2006 we produce
> short films accompanied with small performances that attempt to
> channel erotic energy into politics while exposing the political
> undertone of the microerotic. We maintain a column in the Monde
> Diplomatique, Brazil, were we dilute the principles of column-writing,
> celebrate both the transsexual and the transgender takes on whatever
> is cyberpolitical and formulate what we call the 'esquizerda' (the
> esquizoleft) – that would attempt to extract subversive force from the
> multiplication of exception, deviation and error. Our current projects
> involve short films of urban intervention in several towns, writing
> performances where our convulsive collective writing is shown in the
> open and the publication of our handbook of esquizotrans pornography.
> Our recent site:
> http://esquizotrans.wordpress.com
> enjoy some of our movies:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnRMbQQM2J0
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZyL7pWfdG4
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