[-empyre-] glitch device/divide
xchicago at gmail.com
Thu Dec 8 20:53:40 EST 2011
Much love to glITCH, but I do feel obligated to point out:
+ MK12, the most legitimate of Motion Graphics designers made the intro for OWS:
+ Psyop, the most prestigious of NY MG studios, made this for Chase bank:
And between legitimate and prestigious is about 98% grey space, plenty
of room for distortions (and flange).
It's not consensus-building, it's radical inclusion.
On Tue, Dec 6, 2011 at 12:06 PM, jon.satrom <jon at satrom.com> wrote:
> Greetings Every01!
> After some email hiccups, I am now able to post… I've been an -empyre-
> lurker since the May 2004 criticalartware convo. Since that time, I've
> confux'd email accounts and rearranged stuff on my side, so, it's been
> read-only. I've enjoyed checking in on the list over the years and I'm super
> xcited to be involved with this month's convergence around glitches,
> GLI.TC/H, gl1tch, and glitch.art. Thnx to Patrick for the
> invitation/introduction and to every01 who has already dived into
> conversation… :)
> Andreas, I really appreciated our conversation at the opening of the
> GLI.TC/H gallery-component in Amsterdam. I was nice to meet you F2F after
> having your Artwork in the 2010 gallery-component in Chicago. Your call for
> discussing the politics of glitch was timely and warranted… It was an area
> of discussion that bubbled out of the conference/festival/gathering last
> year. This year, GLI.TC/H was a monster with many heads (wearing many hats);
> we were very xcited to install that/those concerns at all locations.
> While few of the projects featured in the gallery show this year were
> overtly political, I do feel that, the very nature of wrangling, nurturing,
> and causing glitches is political. The gallery-component opening that you
> attended in AMS was one of many modules; including: lectures, screenings,
> performances, and workshops. If a glitch is a break in a system, context is
> key. Therefore, we organize many different contexts to house and encourage
> glitches. Art is a wonderfully fluid container/meta-context to do this
> within and the project/mission driven DIY/DIT spaces we partnered with were
> had less in common with institutional death-stars and more in common with
> makers.
> On Mon, 5 Dec 2011 13:19:03 +0100, IR3ABF wrote:
>> Connecing glitch with art will do glitch not any good, and thereby is
>> loosing the possible break with an outdated, insufficient and most of
>> all, elitist art concept.
> If we are organizing/playing with situations/moments that cause
> ruptures/slippages within contexts/systems, then we need to be constantly
> aware of the systems we are in. I find this a very fun place to experiment
> and break with outdated/outmoded concepts/frameworks. As organizers of
> GLI.TC/H and as practitioners at large, we go to great lengths to combat
> elitism, cultivate openness, make events free, and address glitches in
> different manifestations.
> "The community is growing and this year we are hoping (and planning) to do
> it again! From the beginning, we consciously adopted a free & open ethic for
> GLI.TC/H. We believe that exorbitant entrance fees and exclusive passes
> create obstacles between "actor" and "audience." " - from the GLI.TC/H
> 20111 Kickstarter Campaign (SEPT 2011)
> For me, the FB Occupy link to the (assumed article or conversation) reads:
> This content is currently unavailable
> The page you requested cannot be displayed right now. It may be temporarily
> unavailable, the link you clicked on may have expired, or you may not have
> permission to view this page.
> This is a pertinent blip/hiccup/glitch that points to the private structures
> that contemporary revolutionary communication relies on. I am left in a
> moment wondering: "was it a bad link" or "was it intentionally taken down
> for some reason"… It makes me also think of that account where someone
> screen-captured a chunk of FB code a few years ago exposing some of the
> tracking algorithms FB developed for the police… oh man… it's in a deadtree
> somewhere here… I'll post it, if I can find it…
> On Mon, 5 Dec 2011 13:19:03 +0100, IR3ABF wrote:
>> So corresponding to the occupy movement, the lack of a recognizable
>> and outwardly directed and actively pronounced *political* point of
>> view, can easily result in a misunderstanding and a falsifying
>> conception of its underlying premisses
> I think the "lack of a recognizable and outwardly directed and actively
> pronounced POV" is where the Occupy Movement shines. The original Adbusters
> call for the gathering was for the occupiers to come up with one demand. If
> they had done that… it would have been the end of it… I'm absolutely willing
> to risk misunderstandings in a dirty, murky world, if a group of folks can
> safely navigate openness and fuel a conversation/project/moment through
> participation.
> By no means is glitch.art comparable to a movement like Occupy, but there
> are interesting threads to tease out...
> After all, it took a few really large economic glitches to expose the
> corrupt system to folks.
> Best,
> jon.s
> http://jonsatrom.com
> http://selectall.org
> http://gli.tc/h
> On Mon, 5 Dec 2011 13:19:03 +0100, IR3ABF wrote:
>> Hi Rosa
>> thanks for your interesting reply,
>> I remember in a conversation with John Satrom during glitch Amsterdam,
>> where I posed the same question about the supposedly lack of politics
>> in things glitch related, I offered the example of my personal and
>> dissented - because not sanctioned by the general assembly- action on
>> Occupy Amsterdam.
>> (http://www.facebook.com/media/set/set=a.10150400659812355.360211.732517354&type=1&l=ab83175229
>> [44])
>> I think politics comes creeping in when there is not a *shared*
>> safeguard in protecting some potentially promisseful developments in
>> perceiving our lived environment - with all its imperfections and
>> *bad* behaviours - from the gloomy and dark, slimy fingers of
>> *commodification*, resulting in the obvious *domestication* and the
>> positioning of it into the well established *fetishized* art world,
>> and where it will be just another vehicle in maintaining its - the art
>> world's - deadly grip.
>> Just as you rightfully expressed its *freshness* is prone to
>> exploitation and possibly quickly gaining an impact which is able to
>> just stop its *own* fluidal development.
>> So corresponding to the occupy movement, the lack of a recognizable
>> and outwardly directed and actively pronounced *political* point of
>> view, can easily result in a misunderstanding and a falsifying
>> conception of its underlying premisses
>> Connecing glitch with art will do glitch not any good, and thereby is
>> loosing the possible break with an outdated, insufficient and most of
>> all, elitist art concept.
>> In which part of society will glitch be of value except for a small
>> number of people sharing a common interest in playfully disrupting
>> technological achievements? And what are the benefits for the people
>> not being part of it?
>> Will it develop into another 'ism', fed by institutionalized
>> theoreticians and popularized by its youtfullness and freshness or
>> will it function as a means to break the underlying world building
>> rules and do away with our preoccupation with societal and techno
>> oriented *hygiene*?
>> Mcluhanistic naivety combined with a US dominated visual art
>> conception will in due time eradicate every possible trace of
>> authenticity, replacing it with its commodified merchandazible fetish
>> derivate.
>> Andreas Maria Jacobs
>> "A corrupt Society, produces corrupt Art"
>> http://burgerwaanzin.nl [45] (anti-art)
>> http://nictoglobe.com [46] (art magzaine)
>> Sent from my eXtended BodY
>> On 4 dec. 2011, at 21:30, Rosa Menkman wrote:
>>> Andreas, thank you for bringing up the issues of politics and
>>> societal consequences. I think these are to definitely very
>>> important subjects concerning glitch (art) but also very big - just
>>> throwing them around makes me worried of them becoming empty
>>> concepts (this year we actually organized a panel on glitch politics
>>> and I really liked it but also felt it could do with some
>>> -preliminary- conclusions) I would like to try to get one step
>>> closer to that conversation now.
>>> For the last years and especially during the organizing of the
>>> festival and the writing of my little book on glitch theory, (which
>>> is downloadable from here [26]) I have been looking for ways to
>>> create or talk about glitch theory/practice-frameworks.
>>> glitch = break in a system
>>> glitch = a fingerprint of a technology
>>> But... what is glitch art?
>>> What other subjects are there to explore, or organize within these
>>> frameworks, and do I really want to set them apart or organize them?
>>> What are the dangers of writing these things out? Is it the end of
>>> the protocol? (no!)
>>> I feel that the problems of defining _glitch_, _glitch art_ (and
>>> possibly _GLI.TC/H)_ and their roles within glitch art communities
>>> are complex. While glitch is mostly technologically defined, glitch
>>> art takes the _technological occurrence_ of a glitch to another,
>>> _more social _or_ metaphorical level._
>>> In GLI.TC/H the festival/gathering/conference we try to reflect on
>>> these problems (that also have to do with authority, hierarchy
>>> within organizing, etc). We try to create an open, fluid space for
>>> the communities that struggle or work within these perspectives and
>>> provide a meeting place for conversation about classic subjects
>>> surrounding these communities, like politics, media archeology and
>>> aesthetics. But I believe we also try to capture the 'fresher'
>>> conversations related to glitch art (glitch art and its
>>> practitioners are, for good and for bad, very prone to a freshness
>>> fetish).
>>> Last year the festival focussed on a very particular change within
>>> the glitch communities, namely the commodification and
>>> standardization of glitch; the domestication of certain glitch
>>> effects. There were many motivations for this, but a very specific
>>> one was the rise (and demise?) of datamoshing, on which I wrote a
>>> blogpost [27]a while back and on which the chapter "From Artifact
>>> to Commodity" of my book (as mentioned above) and the exhibition
>>> Filtering Failure [28] reflected.
>>> This year I feel there has been a general movement towards text,
>>> vernacular or language based glitch art. A good example for this
>>> shift was for instance Curt Cloningers GltchLnguistx [29] and the
>>> following presentation he did during the panel, to which Curt linked
>>> before [30] (00:16:30-00:46:00) + http://lab404.com/glitch11.pdf
>>> [31] , or the growing amount of largely text related glitch-facebook
>>> groups, the resurrection of Zalgo and works like Anthony Antonellis'
>>> Impulse 101 [32] and A Bill Millers Glitched Ascii Art, the
>>> Gridworks series [33].
>>> I wonder if this is a general trend in digital arts, or if this is
>>> something more specific to glitch art practices?
>>> I also wonder what politics (is there a difference between
>>> P/politics?) means, within the perspectives of glitch (art
>>> communities) - I know what Nick Briz would say: It is a fluid
>>> concept made by the communities. However, I am always looking for
>>> more specific definitions, shelves and frameworks so we can break
>>> them later and find new glitches.
>>> If we are afraid to define something beyond it being fluid - how can
>>> we still believe in a future for glitch?
>>> Warmly,
>>> Rosa
>>> _⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝
>>> ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝__⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝
>>> ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝_
>>> -- .- -.-- / -.. . / -... --- - ... / .-.. --- --- -.- / --- ...- .
>>> .-. / ..- ...
>>> ЯOSΛ MEИKMΛN▓██▓▒▒▒▒ ▒▒ ▒▒ ░ ░ ░
>>> http://rosa-menkman.blogspot.com [34]
>>> [35]
>>> [36]
>>> [37]
>>> [38]
>>> [39]
>>> [40]GLI.TC/H [41] ▓██▓▒▒▒▒ ▒▒ ▒▒ ░ ░
>>> ░
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>>> ▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▄▄▄▀▀▄▄▄▌▌▌▌▌▌▌
>>> ▐▐▐▐▐▐▄▄▄▄▀▀▄▄▄▄▌▌▌▌▌▌
>>> ▐▐▐▐▐▄▄▄▄▄▀▀▄▄▄▄▄▌▌▌▌▌
>>> ▐▐▐▐▄▄▄▄▄▄▀▀▄▄▄▄▄▄▌▌▌▌
>>> On Dec 4, 2011, at 8:17 PM, IR3ABF wrote:
>>>> do not need to be (irritated), it are the tidal waves of
>>>> internests ever undulating search for the renovation and
>>>> rebuilding of its own flawed fundamentals
>>>> what I do miss are the politcal and societal consequences it needs
>>>> to expose, for now it is merely based on a *dirty* and *speedy*
>>>> aesthetics and lacking substance and contemplation, but its
>>>> alleged freshness and playfullness could eventually develop into
>>>> something more sustainable and less volatile
>>>> for a previous FB discussion see:
>> http://www.netbehaviour.org/pipermail/netbehaviour/20110816/022380.html
>>>> [22]
>>>> Andreas Maria Jacobs
>>>> http://nictoglobe.com [23]
>>>> Sent from my eXtended BodY
>>>>> 2011/12/3 GLI.TC/H [18]
>>>>>> < rel="nofollow" value="off">
>>>>>> Dear DNSBL,
>>>>>> Good news! We just passed the EMPYRE CAPPSII system!
>>>>>> We are happy to share GLI.TC/H [1] long tails, heavy tails,
>>>>>> fat tails, power-law tails and recent events of the new
>>>>>> distribution. GLI.TC/H [2] the 20111
>>>>>> conference/festival/gathering, which has reached end of line
>>>>>> [EOL].
>>>>>> GLI.TC/H [3] was exe.cuted in Chicago US from: NOV 3 - 6;
>>>>>> Amsterdam NL from: NOV 11 & 12; and Birmingham UK on NOV 19.
>>>>>> Modules included: lectures, workshops, performances,
>>>>>> screenings and gallery worx. The bots are initiating routines
>>>>>> to reflect and absorb GLI.TC/H [4] as a whole and how it
>>>>>> interfaces, supports, and shares within/around the glitch.art
>>>>>> communities...
>>>>>> Thnx to Patrick and every01 for the invitation to
>>>>>> unpack/decode/unzip publicly.
>>>>>> Jump to: navigation, search ...
>>>>>> * ▄┘┐█▄┘─█┐█▄┘─▀┐─▄┘─
>>>>>> *
>> █┐█▄┘─▀┐─▄┘─█┐█▄┘─▀┐─▄──█─▀─▌█▀┐█┐┐─▄──█─▀─█▄┘─▄┘─█┐█▄┘─▀┐─▄─██▌▌█▀─██▌▌█
>>>>>> * █▌▌█▌█
>>>>>> * █▌█▀─██─▀─▌█▀┐██▌█▀
>>>>>> * ─██▌█▌█▀─██▌█─▌
>>>>>> * █▌█
>>>>>> * █▌██▌█▀─
>>>>>> Ye Olde tradition of GLI.TC/H [5] reaches back more than 1
>>>>>> year, to a time when human thinkers, makers, and breakers were
>>>>>> featured in a festival/conference/exhibition/happening. This
>>>>>> network on individual units converged on Chicago for 4 days.
>>>>>> This year the monster [6] traversed 3 countries, 2
>>>>>> continents, garnered 450 submissions from 30 countries from
>>>>>> which ~100 artists from 12 countries were distilled, there
>>>>>> were ~10 glitch art lectures, we were were supported by 146
>>>>>> backers (Kickstarter donors), 2 books were published, 2 broken
>>>>>> limbs (one elbow and one leg), 2 missed trains, 2x1 missed
>>>>>> airplane, and one GLI.TC/H/BABY [7]...
>>>>>> Click here to learn more: H [8]TTP://GLI.TC/H [9]
>>>>>> [10]
>>>>>> Sincerely,
>>>>>> GLI.TC/H/BOTS [11]
>>>>>> + Nick Briz
>>>>>> + Rosa Menkman
>>>>>> + jon.satrom
>>>>>> ------>> /* fix for farm overflow:hidden */
>>>>>> GLI.TC/H/BOTS [12] Executives and Professionals
>>>>>> HTTP://GLI.TC/H [13]
>>>>>> GLITCH at GLI.TC [14]
>>>>>> Want to get your zombie computer back onto the Classless
>>>>>> Inter-Domain Routing? feed him ORBS for breakfast!
>>>>>> Honeypots, spidertraps and nofollow values - bounce easy with
>>>>>> our new value="allow" attributes
>>>>>> make your own coreMinidumpsmelly.dmp now!
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> .- -. -.. / - .... . / -... --- - ... / ... .- .. -.. / .. - /
>>>>>> .-- .- ... / --. --- --- -..
>>>>>> GLI.TC/H [15] ▓██▓▒▒▒▒ ▒▒ ▒▒ ░ ░
>>>>>> ░
>>>> ▐▐▐▐▀▀▀▀▀▀▄▄▀▀▀▀▀▀▌▌▌▌
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>> ▄┘┐█▄┘─█┐█▄┘─▀┐─▄┘█┐█▄┘─▀┐─▄┘─█┐█▄┘─▀┐─▄──█─▀─▌█▀┐█┐┐─▄──█─▀─█▄┘─▄┘─█┐█▄┘─▀┐─▄─██▌▌█▀─██▌▌
>>>>>> █▌▌█▌█
>>>>>> █▌█▀─██─▀─▌█▀┐██▌█▀
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>>>>>> █▌█
>>>>>> █▌██▌█▀─
>>>>>> █
>>>>>> █
>>>>>> ▌
>>>>>> ▌ ▌
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>>> empyre at lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au [42]
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>> Links:
>> ------
>> [1] http://gli.tc/H
>> [2] http://GLI.TC/H
>> [3] http://GLI.TC/H
>> [4] http://GLI.TC/H
>> [5] http://gli.tc/H
>> [6] http://gli.tc/h/monster/
>> [7] http://gli.tc/H/BABY/
>> [8] http://gli.tc/H
>> [9] http://gli.tc/H
>> [10] http://gli.tc/H
>> [11] http://gli.tc/H/BOTS
>> [12] http://gli.tc/H/BOTS
>> [13] http://gli.tc/H
>> [14] mailto:GLITCH at GLI.TC
>> [15] http://GLI.TC/H
>> [16] mailto:empyre at lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au
>> [17] http://www.subtle.net/empyre
>> [18] http://GLI.TC/H
>> [19] mailto:glitch at gli.tc
>> [20] mailto:empyre at lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au
>> [21] http://www.subtle.net/empyre
>> [22]
>> http://www.netbehaviour.org/pipermail/netbehaviour/20110816/022380.html
>> [23] http://nictoglobe.com/
>> [24] mailto:empyre at lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au
>> [25] http://www.subtle.net/empyre
>> [26]
>> http://networkcultures.org/wpmu/portal/publications/network-notebooks/no-04-the-glitch-momentum/
>> [27]
>> http://rosa-menkman.blogspot.com/2009/07/from-enchanting-to-default-cultivation.html
>> [28] http://dl.dropbox.com/u/17713740/Filtering%20Failure.pdf
>> [29] http://lab404.com/glitch/
>> [30] http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/18328047
>> [31] http://lab404.com/glitch11.pdf
>> [32]
>> http://www.anthonyantonellis.com/writing/item/45-impulse-101-art-the-internet-and-everything
>> [33] http://master-list2000.com/abillmiller/
>> [34] http://rosa-menkman.blogspot.com/
>> [35] http://rosa-menkman.blogspot.com/
>> [36] http://rosa-menkman.blogspot.com/
>> [37] http://rosa-menkman.blogspot.com/
>> [38] http://rosa-menkman.blogspot.com/
>> [39] http://rosa-menkman.blogspot.com/
>> [40] http://rosa-menkman.blogspot.com/
>> [41] http://GLI.TC/H
>> [42] mailto:empyre at lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au
>> [43] http://www.subtle.net/empyre
>> [44]
>> http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150400659812355.360211.732517354|+|amp|+|type=1|+|amp|+|l=ab83175229
>> [45] http://burgerwaanzin.nl
>> [46] http://nictoglobe.com
> _______________________________________________
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> empyre at lists.cofa.unsw.edu.au
> http://www.subtle.net/empyre
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