[-empyre-] your language games

Murat Nemet-Nejat muratnn at gmail.com
Mon Nov 14 14:30:50 AEDT 2016


Last Friday our guest participant this week Adeena Karasick had sent what I
thought was a very interesting post to the list with the title "GRAB EM BY
THE PUISSANCE" describing her reactions to the election One of the members
of the list reacted to it in total outrage (I don't remember the person's
name at the moment). Since then Adeena neither received any of the Empyre
posts nor, as far as she can tell, her posts appeared on the list. She is
very disappointed. She is an amazing artist, and I am sorry that we are
deprived of her input. She is absolutely convinced that she is banished
from the list though her posts are in the Empyre archives. Ironically, for
some reason, she is not permitted to enter the archives and see. I tried to
solve the problem to no avail.

Here I am posting both Adeena's post, the one that caused such a heart burn
to one of the members, and also Adeena's response. I think they are worth
being included here:



All through the nightmarish disbelief and utter delirium of yesterday, I
kept wanting to post something here, but it felt frivolous, indulgent to be
thinking about language games; about the celebration of multiplicity given
the very real effects of the duplicity that we find all around us.    But,
in the apocalyptic aftermath of yesterday, I am awake. And I keep thinking
about how language is entwined with being; (whether for Wittgenstein, Sapir
Whorf or Kabbalah for that matter), language is inseparable from
perception, cognition, behavior. And its very renegade multiplicitous
excess, (evident in Alan’s “splatter texts” or Murat’s interventions, our
multiple readings), it’s this very Sprachspiel that will save us…it’s
precisely through our attention to these “games” that transformation and
change happen.    If rules of language are analogous to the rules of games;
ie if saying something in language is analogous to making a move in a game,
(each with its own codes, grammar, relations, contexts), and though we
never fully know the rules of the game, we are always learning,
internalizing, and becoming intimate with a massive, multipart, global
algorithm, discovering is ALLEGO’RHYTHMS; simultaneously learning and
unlearning the systems, the codes.   And I think this is something that
binds all 3 of us, Alan and Murat – especially here I’m thinking of your
fantastic essay at the end of "Hamlet and Its Hidden Texts: Poems as
Commentary in Murat’s new Animals of Dawn (which was an amazing pleasure to
read).  The idea that not just that the rules are infinitely changing but
that you have to go inside the game and change the game. "

"Hey everyone-- so sorry to upset anyone! Puissance means force and power,
and my parodic title was meant in the spirit of intervention, subversion,
of re empowerment. So sorry to cause a problem -- last thing I was
intending. Looking forward to some real dialogue."


On Sun, Nov 13, 2016 at 1:54 PM, Murat Nemet-Nejat <muratnn at gmail.com>

> Hi everybody, since the beginning of the month, every time someone
> encountered an idea or subject, or image one disagreed with, the reaction
> has been one of outrage and dismissive withdrawal or one-liners instead of
> engaging with the adverse statement or object, maybe assuming that other
> *might* have a legitimate point of view. This is extremely unfortunate.
> Finally, as an outsider (not completely part of the digital world), was
> invited to be the guest moderator to bring "different" ideas, approaches,
> points of view, to a small degree, to resist the splintered echo chambers
> that digital world is prone to create. From the beginning, the idea was not
> to agree or disagree; but to engage, hoping that from that engagement new
> thoughts, unexpected paths of exploration may develop.
> *Ciao,Murat*
> On Sun, Nov 13, 2016 at 1:12 AM, simon <swht at clear.net.nz> wrote:
>> ----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
>> On 12/11/16 12:49, Murat Nemet-Nejat wrote:
>>> That was the real message
>> all I really wanted to say: a porte-parole.
>> Best,
>> Simon
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