December 2010 Archives by author
Starting: Wed Dec 1 00:04:19 EST 2010
Ending: Fri Dec 31 09:44:15 EST 2010
Messages: 91
- [-empyre-] playing vs productivity (and what does it has to do with videogames?)
Simon Biggs
- [-empyre-] playing vs productivity (and what does it has to do with videogames?)
Simon Biggs
- [-empyre-] culture, counter-culture and hardcore Farmville players
Simon Biggs
- [-empyre-] baggage and utilitarian tools
Simon Biggs
- [-empyre-] the self and the (machinic) other / a post-systemic condition or a post-art condition?
Johannes Birringer
- [-empyre-] the self and the (machinic) other / a post-systemic condition or a post-art condition?
Johannes Birringer
- [-empyre-] Punk and Games, messages by Julian and Gabriel
Paul Brown
- [-empyre-] week 4: ethics, aesthetics and culture proper
- [-empyre-] playing vs productivity (and what does it has to do with videogames?)
Ian Cofino
- [-empyre-] week 2: user-based innovation VS the crystallization of a bro-world?
Ian Cofino
- [-empyre-] week 2: user-based innovation VS the crystallization of a bro-world?
Ian Cofino
- [-empyre-] Punk and Games, messages by Julian and Gabriel
Daniel Cook
- [-empyre-] Why videogames are so special in contrary to other games
Daniel Cook
- [-empyre-] Punk and Games, messages by Julian and Gabriel
Daniel Cook
- [-empyre-] empyre Digest, Vol 73, Issue 8
Daniel Cook
- [-empyre-] Gamers as Technologists/Content Creators/Preservationists
Daniel Cook
- [-empyre-] the performance of history / rom-hacking the museum
Daniel Cook
- [-empyre-] Game Art as an art subculture?
Daniel Cook
- [-empyre-] Game Art as an art subculture?
Daniel Cook
- [-empyre-] Game Art as an art subculture?
Daniel Cook
- [-empyre-] Game Art as an art subculture?
Daniel Cook
- [-empyre-] ethnography (brock Dubbels, message 6)
Nicky Donald
- [-empyre-] playing vs productivity (and what does it has to do with videogames?)
Stephanie Donald
- [-empyre-] playing vs productivity (and what does it has to do with videogames?)
Brock Dubbels
- [-empyre-] playing vs productivity (and what does it has to do with videogames?)
Brock Dubbels
- [-empyre-] Punk and Games, messages by Julian and Gabriel
Brock Dubbels
- [-empyre-] Punk and Games, messages by Julian and Gabriel
Brock Dubbels
- [-empyre-] Punk and Games, messages by Julian and Gabriel
Mathias Fuchs
- [-empyre-] The Factory without Workers
Mathias Fuchs
- [-empyre-] ethnography (brock Dubbels, message 6)
Mathias Fuchs
- [-empyre-] baggage and utilitarian tools
Mathias Fuchs
- [-empyre-] empyre Digest, Vol 73, Issue 8
Alex Gibson
- [-empyre-] Gamification and games
Alex Gibson
- [-empyre-] Punk and Games, messages by Julian and Gabriel
David Griffiths
- [-empyre-] a definition of gaming subcultures? / playing as performance / games that you can't get out of your newsfeed
David Griffiths
- [-empyre-] Gaming Subcultures, Vol 72, Issue 25
Julian Raul Kücklich
- [-empyre-] culture, counter-culture and hardcore Farmville players
Julian Raul Kücklich
- [-empyre-] playing vs productivity (and what does it has to do with videogames?)
Julian Raul Kücklich
- [-empyre-] playing vs productivity (and what does it has to do with videogames?)
Julian Raul Kücklich
- [-empyre-] Punk and Games, messages by Julian and Gabriel
Julian Raul Kücklich
- [-empyre-] Game Art & Archival...
Lichty, Patrick
- [-empyre-] Game Art as an art subculture?
Lichty, Patrick
- [-empyre-] Game Art as an art subculture?
Lichty, Patrick
- [-empyre-] Gamers as Technologists/Content Creators/Preservationists
Jerome McDonough
- [-empyre-] Mods I like, games that move me and indy games as hopeful futures
Jerome McDonough
- [-empyre-] the performance of history / rom-hacking the museum
Jerome McDonough
- [-empyre-] culture, counter-culture and hardcore Farmville players
Gabriel Menotti
- [-empyre-] a definition of gaming subcultures? / playing as performance / games that you can't get out of your newsfeed
Gabriel Menotti
- [-empyre-] week 2: user-based innovation VS the crystallization of a bro-world?
Gabriel Menotti
- [-empyre-] week 2: user-based innovation VS the crystallization of a bro-world?
Gabriel Menotti
- [-empyre-] week 3: platforms-within-platforms: videogame development & preservation
Gabriel Menotti
- [-empyre-] the performance of history / rom-hacking the museum
Gabriel Menotti
- [-empyre-] a definition of gaming subcultures? / playing as performance / games that you can't get out of your newsfeed
Gabriel Menotti
- [-empyre-] pre-designed decay / gamifing the archive
Gabriel Menotti
- [-empyre-] the systemic qualities of media / the artistic qualities of consumption
Gabriel Menotti
- [-empyre-] week 4: ethics, aesthetics and culture proper
Gabriel Menotti
- [-empyre-] the self and the (machinic) other / a post-systemic condition or a post-art condition?
Gabriel Menotti
- [-empyre-] the self and the (machinic) other / a post-systemic condition or a post-art condition?
Gabriel Menotti
- [-empyre-] Game Art as an art subculture?
Gabriel Menotti
- [-empyre-] week 5: summing up + thanks (and happy holidays!)
Gabriel Menotti
- [-empyre-] Game Art as an art subculture?
Julian Oliver
- [-empyre-] Game Art as an art subculture?
Domenico Quaranta
- [-empyre-] Game Art as an art subculture?
Domenico Quaranta
- [-empyre-] Game Art as an art subculture?
Domenico Quaranta
- [-empyre-] playing vs productivity (and what does it has to do with videogames?)
Cynthia Beth Rubin
- [-empyre-] Game Art & Archival...
Cynthia Beth Rubin
- [-empyre-] on pre-designed decay / gamifing the archive
Paolo Ruffino
- [-empyre-] Game Art as an art subculture?
Paolo Ruffino
- [-empyre-] playing vs productivity (and what does it has to do with videogames?)
Georg Russegger
- [-empyre-] Why videogames are so special (questions about sub- and counter-culture)
Georg Russegger
- [-empyre-] playing vs productivity (and what does it has to do with videogames?)
Cicero Inacio da Silva
- [-empyre-] playing vs productivity (and what does it has to do with videogames?)
Rafael Trindade
- [-empyre-] on emulation and ROM hacking
Rafael Trindade
- [-empyre-] on pre-designed decay / gamifing the archive
Rafael Trindade
- [-empyre-] pre-designed decay / gamifing the archive
Rafael Trindade
- [-empyre-] Game Art as an art subculture?
Rafael Trindade
- [-empyre-] baggage and utilitarian tools
Rafael Trindade
- [-empyre-] baggage and utilitarian tools
Rafael Trindade
- [-empyre-] Game Art as an art subculture?
- [-empyre-] Mods I like, games that move me and indy games as hopeful futures
micha cárdenas
- [-empyre-] Mods I like, games that move me and indy games as hopeful futures
micha cárdenas
- [-empyre-] a definition of gaming subcultures? / playing as performance / games that you can't get out of your newsfeed
micha cárdenas
- [-empyre-] Game Art as an art subculture?
micha cárdenas
- [-empyre-] week 4: ethics, aesthetics and culture proper
micha cárdenas
- [-empyre-] Game Art as an art subculture?
micha cárdenas
- [-empyre-] Game Art as an art subculture?
micha cárdenas
- [-empyre-] playing vs productivity (and what does it has to do with videogames?)
davin heckman
- [-empyre-] playing vs productivity (and what does it has to do with videogames?)
davin heckman
- [-empyre-] playing vs productivity (and what does it has to do with videogames?)
davin heckman
- [-empyre-] pre-designed decay / gamifing the archive
davin heckman
- [-empyre-] Game Art as an art subculture?
davin heckman
Last message date:
Fri Dec 31 09:44:15 EST 2010
Archived on: Fri Dec 31 11:39:28 EST 2010
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